Isaiah 59:12

"And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in."

Friday, March 23, 2012

Faith - Where Rubber Meets the Road

                Now, faith is the substance of things unseen – being certain of things we cannot see. Faith is where the knowledge of God’s truth in our inner man actually rules over the rebellious nature of our flesh and pushes us to make decisions based on faith in the Word of God. Faith chooses to follow God into the unknown, not pre-determining fleshly issues God has promised to take care of for those who love him. Faith prays for miracles with an understanding that God desires to heal, not relying on a back-up plan of medicine. Faith causes you to chase down gangbangers to share the love of Jesus, believing that God supernaturally protects those who follow him. Faith releases loved ones to follow God into dangerous situations, having a greater care for the Heavenly Kingdom we are promised than the earthly life we have stewardship over. Faith compels us to live like Jesus – subjecting ourselves to necessary hardships – because we are compelled that the God we serve is greater than the fleeting pleasures of this world. Faith is not easy, faith is not fun. But the burden of faith is easy, and faith produces joy.
                Faith, in a sense, is where rubber meets the road. It’s where the convictions of the word of God meet the experientially realm of this natural world. The members of Hebrews 11 did crazy things by a worldly standard. But God does not call this unnatural, “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.” If this insane living is faith, and without this insane living, it is impossible to please God – there’s probably a significant leap that many Christians barely consider. Truly, I tell you that this living is normal in the Kingdom of Heaven. The forerunners of faith before us do not form some great “hall-of-faith” we all pray and hope to join someday; they actually set a standard of living for following Jesus, they are our “cloud of witnesses!”
                From the foundation of the world, the enemy has attacked man’s faith in God. “Did God really say…?” Brothers and sisters: Did God really say he would heal you? Did God really say he would protect you? Did God really say that the poor of this world would be rich in faith? Did God really say he would pour out his Spirit on all flesh? Did God really say he loves you? Did God really say to follow Him you must die to your flesh and soulish lusts? Did God really say that we must seek first his kingdom above everything? Did God really say that He would physically and emotionally take care of us if we subject ourselves to hardships while following Him?
                Search the scriptures! It is God’s desire to do these things! The Word of God is not filled with questions such as: Did God really say? Listen and meditate on the Words of Jesus. Did anyone know God better than Jesus Christ? Is there any doubt in his words when he promises God’s protection and provision over his disciples?
                Dearly Beloved, I am a man that is subject to passions and lusts as we all are. When I moved into a bad part of town, I feared for my family’s safety. When I choose to do what I believed God was calling me to by not going to college, getting married, and moving to a new city, I was afraid that my family may not have the provision that we need. When I or loved ones have fallen sick, I have been tempted to believe God may not be able to heal – that I may need doctors. Or maybe that He didn’t want to heal. Beloved, if God didn’t want to heal you, why would it be within His Will that you seek out an alternative that only brings glory to man? I say these things to recognize that these feelings and fears are legitimate – and they will come up – but that you can choose to walk in obedience to the Word and Will of God anyway.
                Truly, this is a hard word for me to swallow. I struggle with my doubts and with my “did God really say?” questions. But the Lord has not let me down yet, and I don’t believe he will in the future! I have found that when I come to him with a genuine, child-like faith he responds with loving care and gifts from heaven! Let us walk in confidence, God did say; so obey.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Brother, I do so often get caught up in the almost inconvienent truth that God does not want us to stop with just a belief that he exist, but instead he wants us to completely turn our lives over to him. I find myself limiting The All Powerfull God, when in reality a genuine faith in God has no limits. "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you" -- Luke 17:6. Thank you so much for reminding me of this.

    An Old Friend and Brother in Christ,
    Jay Taylor
