After spending some time in prayer about this, I feel like it's time that I share something God has been showing me over the past few months. The message is simple: judgement is coming. However, I've had some fairly specific ways that God has shown me these things, and I wouldn't necessarily be one to jump and down to get attention and share it - but the things have been coming to pass, and I feel like it's time to put them out there.
While I've been feeling for a while that judgement was on the brink - as I believe most of us believe these days - my true conversion to the "judgement-is-nigh" side didn't really happen until March 6th, 2011. I woke up at about 4 AM and started undergoing some intense spiritual attack. It's hard to explain except that I felt every lie I've ever fought in my entire life was trying to hit me all at once. I prayed in the Spirit until I fell back asleep about an hour later. Sometime during my sleep, I had this dream:
I was sitting three rows back, three rows over of what appeared to be a small, underground church meeting with various church leaders that I knew of. We were all praying and worshiping together when my eyes locked with another leader's eyes. Immediately, his eyes began flashing various dots and dashes at me in a very specific order. Upon waking up, the Spirit immediately told me a few things: the dashes and dots are Morse code, the three seats back is three years, and the three seats over is three stages. I quickly got my computer and figured out what the Morse code meant. It ended up being a reference to a Bible passage: Ezekiel 7:3, "Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations." After reading the rest of the passage, I was so filled with awe over the Lord, that I collapsed. My heart broke over my country and I fell to my knees in tears. Three months! That's June of 2011! Lord, give me clarification. Help me to understand.
I pondered this dream in my heart and shared it with a few close people for the next while. A couple weeks later, I had another dream on March 19th, 2011 in Cedar Rapids.
The dream was very specific. There would be an order to a series of earthquakes that was going to hit the United States. My dream started with a map focused on the Central United States around the St. Louis area, I saw an earthquake happen at this location. Shortly after, the map zoomed out and I saw two other earthquakes take place - one around Colorado, and another around the East Coast. These earthquakes happened almost simultaneously.
This dream combined with my other dream lead me to believe that these earthquakes would happen on June, 7th of 2011. I prayed about this date and asked for further clarification. The night of June 6th, 2011 - I had one more dream about everything.
And then I saw myself standing before a car. And the car's name was Judgement. The hood of the car was open and the Lord God said to me: Pour the oil inside the car, but pour only one-quarter of the oil. And so I did so. And then the Lord God said again: Pour the oil inside the car, put pour only half of the bottle. Again, I obeyed the voice. Then the Lord God said again: Pour all the oil inside the car. For the third year has come to pass that my judgement will be fulfilled upon this place, and my vehicle of Judgement will travel the nation because they have not heard my voice. And so immediately I was in the car called "Judgement," and I was riding through the country that was the United States. First, I saw that many small towns and businesses had been abandoned because of great economic difficulties. Next, I saw that great storms and tornadoes were heading across the United States. Specifically, I saw a storm that was traveling through New York so "that I may wake up and know this dream has come from the Lord." Finally, I was driven into a courthouse, where I saw the falling of the freedom in America and a new door open to persecution. All these thing were supposed to happen gradually over a period of three years, until in 2015, things were utterly unrecognizable as America.
I woke up from this dream knowing that the judgement signs would be gradual, but I still expected to see the things come to pass. First, I saw the storm on June 7th, 2011 that went through New York City. Second, on June 7th, 2011 there was the first small earthquake my first and second dreams predicted on the New Madrid Fault line. Then again, on August 23rd, a nearly simultaneous earthquake happened that shook near Washington DC and Colorado. Just like my second dream had said. While all these things: the economy, natural disasters, and government changes have been subtle, they have been coming to pass. And coming exactly as the Lord has shown me. I don't say these things claiming to be anybody, but I say them saying the Lord has fulfilled a word he showed me, and I feel it is a responsibility of mine to share those words with others.
One other important dream I had the other day was this:
I was walking along a long dirt road, where I again saw the signs of judgement. Fallen governments, huge storms, and economic disaster. However, the people I was with refused to recognize these signs as judgement from the Lord. Instead, the put up a little "display shelter" where a great geyser loomed over the city in a seemingly harmless fashion. Above the geyser, the people inscribed, "The Great Judgement" as a mockery of how "great" the judgement was. The Lord God told me in my dream, go over near my judgement. As I did, a huge blast of water from the geyser blew me off my feet and left me in a state of disarray. The Lord warned me, "The signs have been given, do not ignore. My judgement is coming. People will say "it is slow," but when it comes, it will come quickly. (Much like the message in Habakkuk 2:1-3). We are warned in the Bible, people will say, "Peace and safety, and then sudden destruction will come upon them." Just be ready. Be ready.
I do not say these things to scare you, nor spur you into some kind of year-2k type thinking where you store up 20 years worth of canned food. I say these things to warn you of what is to come so that your faith will remain strong, and so that you will draw nigh unto God during these difficult times that we're entering into as a nation. My opinion is not fact, it is speculative. I don't have perfect understanding, but God has shown me some very specific things that have come to pass - and I would warn others that judgement really is coming, and coming soon. And that we should prepare ourselves for the things the Lord has in store for our country.
Go and be blessed in Jesus' Holy Name.
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